CBD One Cream


Soothe tired and stiff muscles. Cannabidiol-based products are making waves throughout the health and wellness industries for its remarkable and wide ranging health benefits. CBD One represents a shift in how the world sees CBD products. That's why we call it CBD One...it's the one and only CBD product your mind and body will ever want! Vasayo CBD One is patent protected, broad spectrum, organic compliant, non-GMO, 100% THC-free, and completely grown and made in the USA from plant to package. And, best of all, we protect our CBD One products with our proprietary liposomal technology for proven increased bioavailability.

To Order please Click the link for the corresponding Quantity/ Package Below :

CBD One Cream 1X Count:  https://jrdoc.vcbdone.com/store/product/NUS001401

CBD One Intro Pack: https://jrdoc.vcbdone.com/store/product/KUS001901

CBD One Fast Start Pack: https://jrdoc.vcbdone.com/store/product/KUS002001

CBD One Builders Pack:  https://jrdoc.vcbdone.com/store/product/KUS002101

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